Agenda items include a request for ANC support for a two-unit residential project at 451 S Street, NW; a request for ANC support for the relocation of old police and fire call boxes for a historic preservation project; and a request for ANC support for a liquor license for a new restaurant at 1017 7th Street, NW.
The full agenda is after the jump.
(per email from ANC2C chair, Alex Padro)
- Call to Order and Roll Call
- Approval of Agenda
- PSA 308 Report: Metropolitan Police Department
- 451 S Street, NW: Request for Support for Zoning Relief to Allow Construction of New Two-Unit Flat (George Simpson)
- 1131 5th Street, NW: Request for Support for Zoning Relief for Continued Occupancy of Two Residences on Alley Lots at Rear of Property (Erin Murphy & Johannah Sears)
- 511 10th Street, NW: Request for Support for Public Space Permit for Alley Parking behind Ford’s Theatre (National Park Service)
- 901 G Street, NW: Consideration of Resolution in Support of Continued Use or Shared Use of Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Library
- 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th Streets, NW: Request for Support for Relocation of Historic Fire and Police Call Boxes for Historic Preservation Project (Shaw Main Streets)
- 645 New York Avenue, NW: Approval of Revised Voluntary Agreement (New York Avenue Beach Bar)
- 1608 7th Street, NW: Request for Support for Substantial Change to ABC License (Uptown Ethiopian Fusion Cusine)
- 1017 7th Street, NW: Request for Support for Stipulated and Permanent ABC Licenses for New Restaurant (Name TBD)
- 505 9th Street, NW: Request for Support for Stipulated and Permanent ABC Licenses for New Restaurant (Name TBD)
- 675 H Street, NW: Request for Support for Stipulated and Permanent ABC Licenses for New Restaurant (Yo Sushi)
- Howard Theatre Area Residential Parking: Status of Implementation of Residential Permit Parking and Other Protections for Parking for Residents North of P Street, NW
- Thanksgiving Day Trot for Hunger, November 22, 2012: Request for Support for Street Closures to Conduct Footrace (So Others Might Eat)
- Consideration of ANC 2C Grant Requests from Nonprofits: Bread for the City
- Other New Business
- Old Business
- Approval of Minutes of July 11, 2012,Meeting
- Approval of Treasurer’s Report
- Approval of Expenses
- Announcements
- Next Meeting: October 3, 2012
- Adjournment
When are the debates/candidates forums for all the ANC Candidates running in your area?